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Monday, March 16, 2020

Drama Bonding

There's something in psychology called "trauma bonding." That's when people feel emotionally attached after they've experienced some trauma together. For example, Stockholm Syndrome, where a hostage feels loyal to a kidnapper. Maybe we learn to associate a person with some intensity or energy, and that makes the relationship feel meaningful or something?

Anyway, many of the relationships I've been in and seen were based on what I'd call "drama bonding." In the past my drama bonds - "friendships" - didn't feel right unless we were facing some crisis.

I'd say genuine loving commitment gets replaced in trauma/drama bonds by mob boss loyalty. All this has me thinking of Trump and his army of wannabes, who don't seem to feel okay about themselves unless they can play the heroes in some big crisis they've created.

I used to do that all the time. These days, when I'm with loved ones I'd usually just as soon calmly discuss art and philosophy over a beer, or go hiking or watch a movie or something together. Not all that different from things I do when I'm alone, really. But then his alone time must crazy for Two-Timing-Trump ... What does he even see in the mirror?

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