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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Wisdom of Imperfections

Let's face it: We are all imperfect. Should we count this against ourselves?

We could rag on ourselves for our unwise choices and mistakes. But who deserves more credit: A robot who does its job perfectly every time - or those of us who fail at times, who must scratch and claw for our accomplishments?

Don't we prove ourselves daily by working around or overcoming at least some of our character defects?

What does it say about us that we try - imperfectly - to overcome our fears? What does it say about us that we often choose to push through our desire to give up? Don't we deserve credit for functioning - sometimes even thriving - in spite of our weaknesses?

Perhaps there is wisdom in our flawed designs. After all, our imperfections provide opportunities for personal growth. Our occasional cavings into harmful temptations highlight how we are the kind of people who usually make tough choices to do the right thing.

Are you giving yourself the credit you deserve for overcoming many of your limitations?